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Program Information

    Regular Programs are held every other month, January, March, May, September and November unless otherwise noted.

    Programs are held at the Indigo Room, Indigo Building, downtown Red Wing.  If CE credits have been applied for, certificates will be handed out at then end of each meeting.

    • 7:30 a.m. – Networking
    • 7:45 - Business Meeting
    • 8:00 to 10:00 - Program 

    There is no cost to attend regular monthly programs.

    There is a cost to attend 1/2 day Conferences/Seminars.

    On the off months (February, April, June, August, October and December) we will meet at Caribou Coffee, Downtown Red Wing for an Informal Roundtable Discussion on a pre-determined topic.  No real agenda and plenty of opportunity to ask questions and get to know your fellow HR professionals in a casual manner.  Topics are posted at least 30 days prior to each event.

    There is no cost to attend these events and if you get their early enough, you may even get a free drink!