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    April Meeting: Employee Financial Health

    Date: April 18, 2019, 7:30am
    Karen Renshaw
    Minnesota State College Southeast, Room 101
    (Park in lot B/C and enter doors B or C)
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    Money & Finances are the top stressors impacting Americans' Health Today!

    • How does that directly impact employees on the job?
    • Why should large and small employers care?
    • What can employers really do to help?
    • Plus! Pros & Cons of employer paid student loan debt rather than 401(k) contributions

    Presenters: Shannon Doyle, Certified Financial Counselor at LSS Financial Consulting & Coleman Kelley, LPL Financial Advisor at Discovery Financial



    • 7:30 AM: Networking, coffee & conversation
    • 7:45 AM: Business Meeting
    • 8-10 AM: Program (2 SHRM recertification credits applied for)