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Event Details

    Roundtable: HR 101

    Date: April 21, 2016, 8:00am – 9:30am
    Katie Hardyman, Programs Committee Chair
    Caribou Coffee
    Upstairs Conference Room
    726 Main Street
    Red Wing, MN
    Free to members
    Event Type:
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    Roundtable discussions are an informal opportunity for members and guests to take part in a discussion on a designtated topic.  There will be a facilitator but not necessarily a presentation.

    8:00 AM      Topic: HR 101
                        This is an opportunity for members who are new to the position of Human Resources or have HR as just one part of their job description.  Veteran HR professionals will be there to answer questions so please join us for the conversation!
                        Facilitator: Jerry Olson, Olson HR Consulting

    9:30 AM    Closing

    Questions:  Contact Katie Hardyman @ 651-267-7706 or