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Membership Application


    We are an affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management based out of the beautiful Hiawatha Valley in Red Wing, MN. Whether you are new or an experienced professional in the HR field, have HR functions as part of your overall duties or supervise people, we are a local starting point for networking, information, professional development and continued support of excellence in Human Resources.

    Make check payable and mailed to:

    Hiawatha Valley SHRM

    PO Box 314

    Red Wing, MN 55066-0314

    If check is mailed separately from this form, please email this form to MEMBER INFORMATION:

     New Membership

    Membership Renewal


    Job Title:__________________________________________

    Company Name :____________________________________

    Company Address:___________________________________


    State & Zip Code: ___________________________________

    Preferred Phone: ___________________________________

    Email Address:______________________________________

    HRCI Certification: PHR SPHR GPHR


     Professional:

    Individuals engaged in HR management with at least

    3 years of experience at the exempt level; or any individual certified by the HR Certification Institute; or any faculty member with three or more years of experience holding

    at least assistant professorial rank in HR; or a full time consultant. Professional members have voting rights and may hold offices.


    Individuals engaged in HR management at the non-exempt or exempt level not meeting the requirements of a Professional Member. General members have voting rights but may not hold offices.


    Individuals who are actively enrolled in HR degree

    programs at the college or university level. Student

    members may not hold offices in the Chapter and do

    not have voting rights. There is no fee for Student Members.


    $75 Local Membership Only. I am not a member of the National SHRM organization.

    $45 Local Membership, AND I am currently a member of the National SHRM organization. Please provide your ID # below for chapter auditing purposes.

    National SHRM ID #: ____________________________

    Business or Industry:

    1. Manufacturing

    2. Transportation

    3. Utilities

    4. Finance

    5. Insurance

    6. Services (profit)

    7. Services (non- profit)

    8. Health

    9. Education

    10. Government

    11. Consultant

    12. Construction

    13. Other: _________________________________

    Company Size:

    1. Less than 50

    2. 50-200

    3. 200-500

    4. 500+